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DI Heimo Kramer
Plescherken 120
9074 Keutschach
Tel: +43 676 3475687
Biography Heimo Kramer
Heimo Kramer was born 1970 in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria. He lives in Keutschach am See (Lake Keutschach), which is situated in the southern part of Austria in an international environment of three countries - near to Italy (40km) and Slowenia (25km). It is situated inbetween beautiful nature with many lakes and mountains.
He attended 8 years of Art-School in Viktring (Kunst Gymnasium Stift Viktring 1989 Matura). Afterwards he went to Kansas City (USA) for a year and graduated in Shawnee Mission High School 1990.
Heimo Kramer studied at the Technical University in Vienna and graduated as Master of Architecture. (Diplom Ingenieur Architektur - Technische Universität Wien) Diploma-Thesis: "Virtual Architecture Simulation and presentation on the Internet"
Heimo Kramer had many years of working experience in Vienna for "Imagination GmbH" as head of "Architecture Visualisation" for famos Austrian Architects - the most prominent Prof. Hans Hollein, Coop Himmelblau, Adolf Krischanitz, Albert Wimmer and Prof. Rüdiger Leiner. Other work like research work was geological Reconstruction in 3D-Projection for the Landesausstellung 2005. Work as an 3D artist was a 3D-Shortfilm based on drawings from Salvador Dali. After 14 years in Vienna (1990-2004) he moved back to Kärnten.
Heimo Kramer founded his own company "panovision - Architektur and Virtual Reality" in Klagenfurt 2004. Architecture visualization creates creates pictures, VR (virtual reality) and films of future buildings. As an architect and visualization expert he participated in more than hundreds projects for architects, Real-Estate-Companies and architectural competitions.
2005 he started the projekt "Historic Wörthersee-Architektur". 2006 the first website with 30 villas and historic buildings went online. He started giving lectures and boat trips. Today documentation and research work on more than 70 historic villas and buildings. TV Documentaries and Publications.
Social work: Member of Round Table RT10, Club 41 Klagenfurt and Lions Club Klagenfurt. Many charity projects mainly for people in the state of Carinthia.
Heimo Kramer lives in Keutschach am See.